Knowledgebase InterForm400

Articles in this category

IMPORTANT - Updating InterForm400
IMPORTANT - Patch (PTF) Support for Older Versions
IMPORTANT - InterForm400 2020 Issues
Stop using pre-2007 versions of InterForm400
Test License code PTFs.
Tech-Tip: The good old APFEDTPRT command .
Tech-Tip: Using the InterForm400 unzip command to do a remote upgrade
PTF: PDF file naming: Incorrect output for InterWord spooled file
Mirrored systems: Changing license code(s)
PTF: IW400 + duplex: Forced front page ignored
PTF: EscMsg: RNQ0907 during install of TTF for PDF
PTF: IW: Wrong size of image using .IMG() command
PTF: Duplex: Blank page printing image on back page
InterForm Designer and Java Version
Improving the shades in PDF
The hidden treasure of Unicode TTFs
Close Swiftview with F12
Use JRE 1.6 on 2011 and previous versions
QGPL should be in the *LIBL during install/upgrade.
Upgrading InterForm400 on a mirrored machine
Removing APF3812 from the system library list.
Duplex: Dynamic backpage overlay
PTF: IW/OV + selector: Barcode / text missing
Using TTF and barcode soft fonts for specific codepages
PTF: PDF Underline in wrong position for IW/OV docs
PTF: PDF Underline in wrong position for IW/OV docs
PTF: Enhanced ink support using IW400/OV spooled files
PTF: PDF: Underline in wrong position for IW/OV docs
PTF: PDF: Conditional lines ignored in output
Tech-Tip: InterForm400 vs Host Print Transform
Tech-Tip: True Type Fonts and how to test them
PTF: EscMsg: MCH1210 sending email
Tech-Tip: Important changes regarding Zebra ZPL output in InterForm400
Tech-Tip: Tip regarding: ‘Lost connection to host’ in InterForm400
Tech-Tip: A PTF for the InterForm400 Designer + Tip for designer upgrade
How-to: Rollback to the previous version of InterForm400
PTF: &&IMG: Ink problem after printing JPG image
PTF: ZPL: Missing minus/hyphen chr (-) at FW level 18
PTF: Prepare for email unable to get text version
PTF: Prepare for email unable to get text version
PTF: Email finish def: Wrong email name/adr displayed
PTF: IW400: Incorrect underline using tabs
PTF: AFC: Loop using function 'A' with restart w/seq 1
PTF: Pointer or parameter error in IMG701.
PTF: Left offset problem with remaps in ? lines
InterForm400 and V7R4
How to export resources from InterForm400
How to save/export a spooled file in InterForm400
Troubleshooting problems using SwiftView
Office365/Outlook email sending error I/415
InterForm400 Usage Statistics